
I do not have much to say today.

It is humbling to find yourself at the impact of how much we need God; our flaws scream for the guidance of God, our successes reveal the mercy and kindness of God. There will always be significant chunks our our lives that we barely know how it operates, let alone control and yet it keeps running like clockwork, as if we had a hand in its operation. Our intelligence is a sign of God’s strength and grace in our lives because to a certain extent we cannot will ourselves to be geniuses; the same way those in asylums cannot will themselves to be of sound mind.

Every day. Every minute. Every second. Every inhale and exhale has the underlying presence of God.

And this is just the stuff that we take for granted like a beating heart and functioning lungs. I haven’t even touched on the major life issues that need one’s awareness of how much we need God; from the big promotion in life or in our careers to running a country. There are places our intelligence is not enough. Our strength is a low key weakness. Our experience is not related in any way, shape or form to what is staring us in the face.

We need God. I need God.

So today, God willing, I want to remember my desperate need for God.

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